The Power of Habits for Creating an Optimized Team | Fierce

the power of habits at work

Good daily habits are the foundation for creating an optimized team. When team members have good habits, they are more productive, efficient, and effective. They are also more likely to be positive and engaged in their work. This week’s high-performance tip is about understanding habits and how to instill the best habits in your team.

The Power of Habits

Habits are routines or behaviors that we repeatedly perform without conscious thought. They are actions or patterns of behavior that become ingrained through repetition and become automatic over time. Habits can be both positive and negative, influencing various aspects of our lives, such as our personal health, productivity, relationships, and overall well-being.

Habits are formed through a cycle known as the habit loop, which consists of three components: the cue, the routine, and the reward. The cue is a trigger or a reminder that initiates the habit, the routine is the behavior itself, and the reward is the positive reinforcement or satisfaction we derive from the habit.

Developing and maintaining positive habits greatly benefit our lives. On the other hand, identifying and changing negative habits help us break free from destructive patterns and lead to positive transformation.

Establishing Good Habits

Good habits have the power to transform our lives, helping us achieve our goals, boost productivity, and enhance overall well-being. However, forming and maintaining these habits is often easier said than done. There are several things you can do to make habit formation simpler and permanent.

1. Keystone Habits

Keystone habits are foundational habits that have a positive domino effect, leading to the development of other good habits. For example, regular exercise often leads to better eating habits, improved sleep, and increased productivity. By identifying and focusing on keystone habits, we maximize our habit-formation efforts.

2. The Power of Small Wins

Studies show that starting with small, achievable goals significantly increases the likelihood of habit formation. By breaking down larger habits into manageable tasks, we experience a sense of accomplishment and build momentum for long-term success. 

3. Habit Stacking

Habit stacking involves attaching a new habit to an existing one, leveraging the power of associations to make the new habit stick. This technique enhances habit formation by capitalizing on existing routines. Additionally, modifying one’s environment to support desired habits, such as removing distractions or creating visual cues,  significantly increases the chances of habit formation.

4. Accountability and Support

Having external accountability increases the success rate of habit formation. Sharing goals with a trusted friend, joining a support group, or using habit-tracking apps provide the necessary support and motivation. 

Foundational Team Habits

If habits are so powerful and foundational to productivity and success in life, what habits can your team implement to build a high-performance environment? 

When team members have good daily habits, they are more likely to be successful in their work. This leads to a more productive and efficient team, which benefits the organization as a whole. Here is a collection of habits that high-performing teams have implemented that keep team members motivated and focused in the right direction

1. Encourage Work Without Distraction

To cultivate a focused work environment, force times of focused work without distraction. Distractions have become pervasive in our daily lives, disrupting productivity at every turn. Surprisingly, studies reveal that individuals face distractions approximately every 11 minutes. When your team is engrossed in a critical project, it is crucial to motivate them to temporarily disable notifications, close email tabs, and keep their phones out of reach to resist the temptation of constant checking.

By implementing this approach, you empower your team to maintain a heightened level of concentration and efficiency. By minimizing external interruptions, team members can fully immerse themselves in their work, making significant progress toward their goals. Encouraging a distraction-free work environment not only enhances productivity but also fosters a sense of focus and dedication among your team members, ultimately leading to the successful completion of important projects.

Build this habit by establishing set times when focused work must take place. Create a ritual by having it at the same time each day or week and having team members all shut off notifications together.

2. Make Daily Connections With Team Members

Building a habit of daily connection with team members is a transformative practice that propels a team’s growth and success. It is essential to recognize that many issues within a company arise from miscommunication or individuals not being able to voice their concerns in a timely manner. By establishing a daily connection ritual at the start of each day, team members ensure they are aligned, and understand their priorities and the expected outcomes by the day’s end.

These daily connections serve as a powerful tool to foster transparency, collaboration, and accountability within the team. Through regular communication, team members gain clarity on their responsibilities, allowing them to focus their efforts effectively. It creates an open space where individuals express their thoughts, concerns, and ideas, fostering a culture of trust and psychological safety. When team members are consistently connected, they develop a sense of unity and shared purpose, working towards common goals and achieving remarkable outcomes.

The habit of daily connection empowers team members to proactively address challenges, resolve conflicts, and provide timely support to one another. It allows for real-time feedback, enabling course corrections and ensuring everyone works towards a shared vision. By nurturing these connections, teams build strong relationships, enhance collaboration, and create an environment that nurtures innovation and growth.

Ultimately, the daily connection becomes the cornerstone of a high-performing team that consistently delivers exceptional results.

3. Plan Out The Day In Advance

Building the habit of daily planning is a game-changer when maximizing productivity and focus within a team. The crucial step encourages team members to plan their day the night before. By doing so, they arrive at work with a clear roadmap in mind, ready to take action instead of spending precious time crafting a plan. When team members consistently plan their day ahead of time, their productivity levels soar, and their focus remains sharp from the moment they step through the door.

Daily planning offers numerous benefits. It allows individuals to prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and allocate their time and resources effectively. By outlining their objectives and tasks in advance, team members approach their work with a sense of purpose and direction.

Additionally, planning the night before provides an opportunity for reflection, allowing individuals to identify potential obstacles or challenges and devise strategies to overcome them. This proactive approach enables team members to hit the ground running and make the most of their time and energy throughout the day.

4. Continuous Learning 

To build the habit of continual learning within a team, it is important to create an environment that supports and encourages ongoing growth. This can be achieved by providing access to learning resources, such as training programs, workshops, and online courses, that are relevant to the team’s goals and objectives. Team members should be encouraged to take ownership of their learning journey and allocate dedicated time for personal and professional development.

In addition, fostering a culture of knowledge-sharing and collaboration is essential. Team members should be encouraged to share their insights, experiences, and lessons learned with one another. Regular team meetings or knowledge-sharing sessions can be scheduled to discuss recent discoveries, industry trends, and innovative approaches. By promoting a collective mindset of continual learning, teams adapt to new challenges, stay ahead of the curve, and continuously improve their performance.


Building good daily habits is the foundation for creating an optimized team. By implementing productive habits and rituals teams can enhance their productivity, collaboration, and overall success. These habits empower team members to stay focused, aligned, and accountable, leading to the achievement of remarkable outcomes. By prioritizing and cultivating these habits, organizations can create a high-performance environment that propels their teams to excel and achieve extraordinary results.

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